Previous Podcasts
Here you can find messages given in the last 12 months or so in MP3 format for download to your iPod or other MP3 player, or for listening direct from the site. To listen to a message, just click on it, to save a message, right click on it and select ‘save as’ to download it.
Tip: If you open the Bible search page on this site in either a new window or a new tab (right click the Bible search page button on the left and select either ‘open in new window’ or ‘open in new tab’ depending on which browser you are using), you can look up Bible references whilst listening to any message.
Bible Study given by David Silcox
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by David Silcox
Message given by Richard Fowler
Bible Study given by David Silcox
Message given by Robin Jones
Message given by Irene Wilson
Bible Study given by David Silcox
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by Mike Barlow
Bible Study given (again) by David Silcox
Bible Study given by David Silcox
Message given by Robin Jones
Message given by John Settaford
Message given by Irene Wilson
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by Mike Barlow
Bible Study given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by Delia Bush
Message given by Robin Jones
Bible Study given by John Stettaford
Message given by Mike Barlow
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by Geoff Sole
Bible Study given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox
Message given by Robin Jones
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Message given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Message given by John Stettaford
Massage given by David Silcox
Bible Study give by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Massage given by John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by Clinton Philips
Biblke Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Message given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox and John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox and John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by John Stettaford
Message given by Clinton Philips
Bible Study given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Slicox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by Barry Robinson
Bible study given by David Silcox and John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox and John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Bible Study given by John Stettaford and David Silcox
Sermon given by John Settaford
Sermon given by John Settaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox and John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox and John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Settaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given by David Silox and John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by Francis Bergin
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermons given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Bible Study given by David Silcox
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by Mike Barlow
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by Mike Barlow
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermons given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given By John Stettaford
Sermon given By John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by David Silcox
Sermon given by Francis Bergin
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon given by John Stettaford
Sermon, which was given by John Stettaford
Sermons, which was given by John Stettaford
Sermon, which was given by Clinton Philips
Sermon, which was given by David Silcox
Sermon, which was given by John Stettaford
Sermon which was given by John Stettaford
Sermon which was given by Clinton Philips
Sermon which was given by John Stettaford
Sermon which was given by John Stettaford.
Sermon which was given by Clinton Phillips.
Frendship and brotherly love – which was given by Delia Bush.
The elephant in the room – which was given by John Stettaford on the 26th of June, 2021
In view of the announcement made recently, we are all in need of an explanation and a way forward
All about rocks – which was given by John Armstrong on the 12th of June, 2021
Good mental health – which was given by John Stettaford on the 5th of June, 2021
Christians have a special ‘take’ on mental health.
God’s many promises – which was given by Clinton Philips on the 29th of May, 2021
What does Pentecost mean? – which was given by John Stettaford on the16th of May, 2021
As a sinner be self aware which was given by Francis Bergin on the 15th of May, 2021
Communion – which was given by John Stettaford on the 8th of May, 2021
Encouragement from Habakkuk – which was given by John Stettaford on the 8th of May, 2021.
Praise – which was given by Clinton Phillips on the 1st of May 2021
Keep on keeping on – which was given by John Stettaford on the 17th of April 2021
Why do we have grief? which was given by Delia Bush on the 10th of April, 2021
The ongoing Christian meaning of Unlevened Bread which was given by John Stettaford on the 3rd of April, 2021
The meaning of the Unlevened Bread, which was given by John Stettaford on the 28th of March, 2021
The Lord’s supper: which was given by John Stettaford on the 26th of March, 2021
The purpose of the Church – which was given by Clinton Philips on the 20th of March, 2021
Abiding in Christ – which was given at Watford by David Silcox on the 13th of March, 2021
The Bible stands which was given by John Armstrong on the 6th of March, 2021
There is much that is questioned about the Bible, but it continues to confound those who do not believe.
Our commissions which was given by John Stettaford on the 23rd of January, 2021
The focus these days is on the Great Commission, but there are at least two others which apply to us all.
Bible Study, Hebrews 10 which was given on the 6th of January, 2021
Faith by Delia Bush which was given on the 16th of January, 2021
Let’s support each other – which was given by John Stettaford on the 2nd of January, 2021
Spiritual maturity – which was given by Clinton Phillips on the 3rd of January, 2021
Jesus in his creation – which was given by John Armstrong on the 26th of December, 2020
The way ahead – which was given by John Stettaford on the 12th of December, 2020
Holiness – which was given by Chris Burmajster on the 19th of December, 2020
Forgiveness – which was given by Clinton Philips on the 28th of November, 2020
Our violent times – which was given by JohnStettaford on the 21st of November, 2020
Repentance – which was given by Clinton Philips on the 14th of November, 2020
All change and carry on! – which was given by John Stettaford on the 31st of October, 2020
Elizabeth’s story – which was given by John Stettaford on the 28th of September, 2020